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प्रधानमंत्री मोदी एवं विभिन्न राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा शुरू की गयी सभी योजनाएं, केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की योजनाएँ 2024, सरकारी योजना हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में योगी योजना वेबसाइट पर

NBHM Scheme 2024 Guidelines PDF | National Beekeeping and Honey Mission Portal at nbb.gov.in

Central government has released NBHM Scheme 2024 guidelines at nbb.gov.in. This central sector scheme namely National Beekeeping & Honey Mission (NBHM) aims for overall promotion and development of scientific beekeeping in mission mode to achieve the goal of "Sweet Revolution" in the country. This would be done by giving thrust on capacity building & trainings, specific focus on women, input support for promotion & production, setting up of Integrated Beekeeping Development Centres (IBDCs), other Infrastructures, Digitization /online registration, etc., processing, value addition, market support, etc. & R&D under 3 Mini Missions (MMs)-MM-1, MM-2 & MM-3.

About National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM)

Keeping in view the importance of beekeeping and to achieve the goal of "Sweet Revolution" the need for holistic development of beekeeping was felt. Accordingly, a new Central Sector Scheme “National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM)” for overall promotion & development of scientific beekeeping and production of quality honey & other beehive products is approved by the Govt. of India. The scheme will be implemented through National Bee Board as a Central Sector Scheme (100% funded by Central Govt.).

NBHM Sub-schemes / Mini Missions

The NBHM will have following sub-schemes/ three Mini Missions:- 
  • Mini Mission-I: Under this Mission, thrust will be given on production & productivity improvement of various crops through pollination assisted by adoption of scientific beekeeping;
  • Mini Mission-II: This Mission will concentrate on post-harvest management of beekeeping/ beehive products including collection, processing, storage, marketing, value addition, etc. with a thrust to develop requisite infrastructural facilities for these activities; and 
  • Mini Mission-III: This Mission will concentrate on Research & Technology generation for different Regions/ States/ Agro-Climatic and Socio-Economic conditions.
The NBHM will work in coordination with other Governmental programs / schemes relating to promotion of beekeeping, viz.; MIDH, RKVY, Honey Mission of KVIC, MSME, NLRM/ SLRM, M/o Rural Development, M/o EF&CC, M/o Tribal Affairs, M/o Commerce & Industry, AYUSH, ICAR, etc., for overall promotion & development of scientific beekeeping in the country. 
NBHM will provide technical guidance/ advise and administrative support to the implementing agencies at the National & State level for effective & smooth implementation of the scheme

NBHM Scheme Objectives

The main objectives of NBHM are given as under:-
  • Promoting holistic growth of beekeeping industry for income & employment generation, providing livelihood support to farm and non-farm households and to enhance agriculture/ horticulture production;
  • Developing additional infrastructural facilities for developing quality nucleus stock of honeybees, multiplication of stock by bee breeders, setting up of disease diagnostic labs, Integrated Beekeeping Development Centres (IBDCs)/ Centres of Excellence (CoEs) on Beekeeping, beekeeping equipment manufacturing units, etc. and postharvest and marketing infrastructures, including honey processing plants, storages/ cold storages, collection, branding, marketing, etc. centre, etc.;
  • Setting up of State of the Art Quality Control Labs for testing of honey & other beehive products at Regional Levels and Mini / Satellite Labs at Distt. Levels in main honey producing Districts/ States;
  • To develop blockchain/ traceability system for traceability of source of honey & other beehive products and using IT tools in beekeeping, including online registration, etc.;
  • To develop and facilitate Honey Corridors in potential areas;
  • To promote agri-entrepreneurs & agri-startup for their involvement in beekeeping/ Honey production;
  • To promote trade- agreements between beekeepers & traders/ honey processors/ exporters, etc.;
  • To promote, develop and disseminate latest and State of the Art Technologies and skill development in beekeeping industry for production of honey & other high value beehive products;
  • Empowerment of Women through Beekeeping;
  • To maximize, economic, ecological and social benefits by diversification through beekeeping by production of higher quantity and good quality of honey and other high value beehive products, viz.; bee wax, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, comb honey, bee venom, etc. for domestic and export market; and
  • To strengthen beekeepers by developing institutional framework through collective approach viz.; formation of SHGs/ FPOs/ Beekeepers Cooperatives/ Federations, etc

Benefits of Beekeeping in NBHM Scheme

  • Enhances yields & quality of produce of various crops viz., fruits, vegetables, pulses, oil seeds, etc. through pollination support.
  • Helps in sustainable development of Agriculture and Environment.
  • Helps in maintaining Bio-diversity.
  • There is no exception of beekeeping. It is an important input in Agriculture and serves as low cost technology.
  • Increases income of beekeepers/ farmers/ land less labours, etc. through production of honey & other beehive products, viz.; Bees wax, Propolis, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Bee venom, comb honey, etc. which have great importance in human life.
  • Generates employment.
  • Serves as a source of livelihood.
  • It helps in prosperity of farmers, healthy people and strong Nation.
  • No more bee- no more pollination- no more plants- no more animals- no more food and no more life on the earth.
  • Adopt Scientific Beekeeping for own and Nation’s prosperity
Download NBHM Scheme Guidelines - https://nbb.gov.in/Archive/Guidelines.pdf
Official Website for National Beekeeping and Honey Mission - https://nbb.gov.in/default.html

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