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प्रधानमंत्री मोदी एवं विभिन्न राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा शुरू की गयी सभी योजनाएं, केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की योजनाएँ 2024, सरकारी योजना हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में योगी योजना वेबसाइट पर

Bihar Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana (MKVY) 2024 - Check Features, Benefits, Details Here

Bihar government has launched Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana 2024 to promote agroforestry and tree plantation. The new MKVY scheme is a timely and important scheme which focuses on increasing the income of farmers and improving the environment. CM Krishi Vaniki Scheme was launched on 6th June 2020 and has already benefited thousands of farmers across the state. Read this article till the end to know about features, benefits, objectives and complete details of Krishi Vaniki Yojna.

कृषि वानिकी योजना in Bihar Budget 2024-25

13 फ़रवरी 2024 को माननीय वित्त मंत्री ने Bihar Budget 2024-25 सदन में पेश किया। अपना बजट भाषण करते समय वित्त मंत्री ने कहा की "कृषि वानिकी योजना द्वारा राज्य के कृषकों का आर्थिक सुदृढीकरण किया जा रहा है। जीविका समूहों को वन विभाग से पौधे उपलब्ध कराये जाते हैं जिन्हें उनके द्वारा स्वयं की भूमि या अन्य भूमि पर रोपित किया जाता है।"

वित्त मंत्री ने बताया की "कृषि वानिकी अन्तर्गत काष्ट उद्योग में उपयोग किये जाने वाले प्रजातियों यथा पॉप्लर एवं यूकेलिप्टस को भी बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है। बांस वृक्षारोपण को अत्यधिक महत्व देते हुए Focus Area के रूप में बांस रोपण का कार्य वन क्षेत्र एवं वन क्षेत्र के बाहर निजी भूमि, नहर तट और नदी तट पर किया जा रहा है।"

About Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana 2024

India is an agricultural country where majority of population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. But agriculture is a risky business where farmers faces several challenges. These includes climate change, pests and diseases and market fluctuations. Most recently, Bihar state is facing a new challenge which is the decline in groundwater levels due to the excessive use of water for agriculture. It led to a decrease in crop productivity and income which makes it difficult for farmers to sustain their livelihoods.
To address these challenges, Bihar govt. launched Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana. The scheme aims to promote agroforestry and tree plantation in the state, which can help increase crop productivity, improve soil health, and provide additional income to farmers. Krishi Vaniki Scheme is also expected to have a positive impact on the environment by increasing the green cover in the state.

Objectives of Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana

The main objectives of Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana are to:-
  • Increase income of farmers through promotion of agroforestry along with providing them with technical and financial assistance.
  • Promote agroforestry and tree plantation in the state, especially on wasteland and farm bunds.
  • Improve soil health and fertility through tree plantation and agroforestry.
  • Increase green cover in the state and contribute to environmental conservation.

Salient Features of Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana

Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana covers all the districts of Bihar and is implemented by the Department of Agriculture. The main features of Krishi Vaniki Scheme are as follows:-
  • Financial Assistance: Bihar govt. provides financial assistance to farmers for plantation of trees on their land. Assistance is provided for purchase of plants, preparation of the land and maintenance of the plants for the first 3 years.
  • Technical Assistance: The state govt. provides technical assistance to farmers for selection of suitable plant species, preparation of the land and maintenance of the plants.
  • Training: Farmers are provided with training on agroforestry practices and tree plantation techniques.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluation is done at different levels to ensure its effective implementation.

Benefits of Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana

The Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana has several benefits for farmers and the environment which are as follows:-
  • Increase in Income: MKVY scheme aims to provide additional income source to farmers through sale of fruits, nuts and other products from agroforestry. It would help improve economic condition of farmers and reduce their dependence on traditional agriculture.
  • Soil Health Improvement: Agroforestry and tree plantation can improve soil health and fertility by increasing organic matter, reducing soil erosion and improving soil structure.
  • Environment Conservation: Tree plantation and agroforestry can increase green cover in the state and contribute to environmental conservation by reducing soil erosion, improving water quality and providing habitat for wildlife.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Tree plantation and agroforestry can also help mitigate the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This can help in the fight against climate change and its impacts on agriculture.
  • Employment Opportunities: The scheme can also create employment opportunities for rural communities through activities such as nurseries, seedling production and fruit and vegetable processing.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana has several benefits and it also faces some challenges. One of the key challenges is the lack of awareness and participation among farmers. Many farmers are even not aware of the MKVY scheme and some are hesitant to adopt agroforestry due to the perceived risk and lack of knowledge. To address these challenges, Bihar govt. needs to increase awareness among farmers and provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills. The government should also ensure timely and efficient implementation of the scheme by providing adequate funds and resources.

The Mukhyamantri Krishi Vaniki Yojana is a timely and important scheme launched by the government of Bihar to promote agroforestry and tree plantation in the state. The scheme has several benefits for farmers and the environment, including increased income, improved soil health, and environmental conservation. However, the success of MKVY scheme depends on effective implementation and the participation of farmers.

The government should work towards increasing awareness among farmers and providing them with the necessary support to adopt agroforestry and tree plantation. With the right efforts, the MKVY scheme has the potential to transform the agricultural landscape of Bihar and contribute to sustainable development.

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