Yogi Yojana | Sarkari Yojana | PM Yojana Adda

Yogi Yojana List (All Sarkari Yojana at One Place)

प्रधानमंत्री मोदी एवं विभिन्न राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा शुरू की गयी सभी योजनाएं, केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की योजनाएँ 2024, सरकारी योजना हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में योगी योजना वेबसाइट पर

UP Government Yojana List 2024 - उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की योजनाएं PDF | Yogi Adityanath Welfare Schemes for Uttar Pradesh Citizens

UP Government Yojana List 2024 | उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की योजनाएं PDF | मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ योजना | Yogi Yojana List | मुख्यमंत्री सरकारी योजना सूची | UP Govt Schemes List | Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath Schemes List. योगी आदित्यनाथ की यूपी सरकार द्वारा पिछले लगभग 7 साल (2024 में अभी तक) में कई योजनाओं की शुरुआत की गई है जिनका लाभ सीधा उत्तर प्रदेश की जनता को मिल रहा है। हम यहां पर लाये हैं उन सभी सरकारी योजनाओं की सूची।
कन्या सुमंगला योजना, शादी अनुदान योजना, गरीब बच्चों के लिए छात्रवृति योजना, विधवा पेंशन योजना, बुढ़ापा पेंशन योजना, बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना, मुख्यमंत्री युवा स्वरोजगार योजना, अभ्युदय योजना, मुफ्त लैपटॉप / टैबलेट योजना और एक जनपद एक उत्पाद योजना जैसी अनेक लोकप्रिय योजनाओं के माध्यम से योगी आदित्यनाथ सरकार ने उत्तर प्रदेश के नागरिकों को कई तरह की सुविधाएं प्रदान की हैं। 
इस प्रकार की सभी नई सरकारी योजनाओं की सूची जो भी मुख्यमंत्री श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ जी की सरकार ने अभी तक शुरू की हैं या पुरानी बंद योजनाओं को दोबारा से शुरू किया है उनकी सूची नीचे है।

मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ की सभी सरकारी योजनाओं की सूची

उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्य नाथ जी ने राज्य के नागरिको के हित में बहुत से नए कार्य किये है। योगी योजना 2024 के अंतर्गत मुख्यमंत्री जी के द्वारा उत्तर प्रदेश के नागरिको के लिए बहुत सी कल्याणकारी योजनाओ को आरम्भ किया गया है। इन योजनाओ के माध्यम से राज्य के नागरिको को बहुत से लाभ प्राप्त होंगे और राज्य की स्थिति में भी सुधार होगा। तो चलिए आज हम आपको अपने इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बतायेगे की उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्य नाथ जी के द्वारा कौन कौन सी योजनाओ को शुरू किया गया है।

UP Government Yojana List (New)

  • उत्तर प्रदेश गोपालक योजना
  • यूपी फ्री टेबलेट/स्मार्ट फोन योजना
  • यूपी फ्री लैपटॉप योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश शादी (विवाह) अनुदान योजना
  • यूपी स्कॉलरशिप योजना
  • मुख्यमंत्री अभ्युदय योजना
  • मुख्यमंत्री प्रवासी श्रमिक उद्यमिता विकास योजना
  • यूपी आसान किस्त योजना
  • बीसी सखी योजना
  • मुख्यमंत्री बाल सेवा योजना
  • यूपी फ्री बोरिंग योजना
  • One District One Product Scheme (एक जनपद एक उत्पाद योजना)
  • यूपी मिशन शक्ति अभियान
  • राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना
  • यूपी भाग्यलक्ष्मी योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश श्रमिक भरण पोषण योजना
  • मुख्यमंत्री युवा स्वरोजगार योजना
  • कन्या सुमंगला योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश जनसुनवाई
  • उत्तर प्रदेश बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना 
  • यूपी राशन कार्ड योजना 
  • यूपी सम्पत्ति एवं विवाह ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण योजना 
  • श्रमिक पंजीकरण योजना 
  • यूपी वृद्धावस्था पेंशन योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश विधवा पेंशन योजना 
  • विकलांग पेंशन योजना
  • यूपी भूलेख
  • गन्ना पर्ची कैलेंडर स्कीम 
  • उत्तर प्रदेश ग्राम पंचायत वोटर लिस्ट
  • आत्मनिर्भर उत्तर प्रदेश रोजगार अभियान
  • मुख्यमंत्री कृषक दुर्घटना कल्याण योजना
  • मानव सम्पदा पोर्टल
  • उत्तर प्रदेश एकमुश्त समाधान योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश रोजगार मेला
  • यूपी ऑनलाइन शासनादेश
  • एंटी भू माफिया पोर्टल यूपी
  • झटपट बिजली कनेक्शन योजना
  • मुख्यमंत्री बाल श्रमिक विद्या योजना
  • UP गेहूं खरीद ऑनलाइन किसान पंजीकरण
  • किसान ऋण मोचन योजना लिस्ट
  • यूपी MSME लोन मेला
  • यूपी प्रवासी राहत मित्र एप
  • यूपी निवेश मित्र
  • पारदर्शी किसान सेवा योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश कौशल विकास मिशन
  • उत्तर प्रदेश जाति प्रमाण पत्र
  • मुख्यमंत्री किसान एवं सर्वहित बीमा योजना
  • यूपी एफ आई आर स्टेटस
  • उत्तर प्रदेश सप्लाई मित्र
  • यूपी जन्म प्रमाण पत्र
  • उत्तर प्रदेश परिवार रजिस्टर
  • मुख्यमंत्री ग्रामोद्योग रोजगार योजना
  • यूपी कौशल सतरंग योजना
  • उत्तर प्रदेश आवास विकास योजना
  • यूपी इंटर्नशिप स्कीम
  • दिव्यांगजन शादी विवाह प्रोत्साहन योजना

All Time Yogi Yojana List

  • UP Yuva Udyamita Vikas Abhiyan (YUVA Hub Yojana)
  • Submersible Pumps Scheme
  • UP CM Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (CMAPS Internship)
  • UP Kisan Asan Kist Yojana
  • Mukhyamantri Krishak Durghatna Kalyan Yojana
  • High Security Registration Plates (HSRP)
  • One District One Product Scheme
  • UP Mukhyamantri Kisan & Sarvhit Bima Yojana
  • UP Hunar Haat Scheme
  • Kanya Sumangla Yojana Registration
  • Triple Talaq Victim Pension Scheme
  • NCC / NSS Training Scheme for Madrassa Students
  • Jhatpat Connection Yojana
  • Trees Plantation & Rainwater Harvesting for PMAY Subsidy
  • Widow Pension Scheme
  • Kanya Sumangala Yojana
  • UP PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana
  • Vriksharopan Mahakumbh
  • CM Destitute Cow Participation Scheme
  • UP Good Samaritan Scheme
  • Old Age (Vridha) Pension Scheme
  • UP Free Laptop Scheme
  • RTE UP Admission
  • CEO Voter List
  • UP Mukhyamantri Jan Arogya Yojana
  • Scheme For Adolescent Girls (SAG)
  • Sadhu Pension Scheme
  • UP Kisan Karz Mafi Yojana
  • Fasal Rin Mochan Yojana
  • Kisan Registration Online Form
  • Nivesh Mitra Single Window Portal
  • Haisiyat Praman Patra
  • UP Pension Scheme to Cover More beneficiaries
  • SC / ST Annual Scholarship Scheme
  • UP Divyang (Viklang) Shadi Protsahan Yojana
  • UP ODOP Scheme
  • KG to PG Scheme
  • UP PMJAY Health Insurance Scheme
  • PMAY Kanpur
  • Age Certificate Form
  • Lok Kalyan Mitra Internship Scheme
  • Skill on Wheels Scheme
  • Hausala Pension Scheme
  • UP Viklang Pension Scheme
  • UP New Old Age Pension Scheme
  • UP Interest Waiver Scheme for Loans of Farmers from Cooperative Banks
  • One District One Product Scheme
  • UP Widow Pension Scheme (Vidhwa) Form / Status / List
  • Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
  • UP Govt. Anti Corruption & Anti Graft Scheme
  • Free Bus Ride Scheme in UP for BPL Families
  • Free Education Scheme Upto Class 12th
  • UP Gau Gram Scheme – Cowsheds to Tackle Problem of Farmers due to Stray Cows
  • UP Ration Card Scheme - List and Application Form
  • Mukhyamantri Samagra Gram Yojana (Shaheed Gram)
  • Uttar Pradesh Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 
  • Kisan Uday Yojana to Provide Pump Sets to Farmers
  • Uttar Pradesh Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana – Saubhagya Scheme
  • UP Draft Scheme for Fees Regulation of Private Schools
  • Contract Farming Scheme to Double Farmers Income
  • UP Mukhyamantri Samoohik Vivaah Yojana - Mass Marriage Scheme
  • Pandit Deendayal Gramodyog Rozgar Yojana
  • Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana for Pregnant Women in Uttar Pradesh
  • NIDHI EIR Yojana in Uttar Pradesh for Engineering Students
  • Sarathi Yojana
  • Krishi Rin Mochan Yojana / Kisan Karj Mafi Scheme
  • UP Farm Loan Waiver Scheme
  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin UP
  • Mukhyamantri Kisan & Sarvhit Bima Yojana UP – Bima Care Card
  • Prabhu Ki Rasoi Yojana to Provide Free Meal
  • Rs. 10,000 Reward Scheme for Class 10th Pass Girls
  • State Employees Cashless Treatment Scheme (SECTS)
  • UP Free School Bag & Uniform Scheme
  • Mission Parivar Vikas – Family Planning Scheme
  • Bhagya Laxmi Yojana Uttar Pradesh
  • UP Free Laptop Scheme
  • Free Housing Scheme for Homeless Poor
  • Annapurna Bhojnalaya Scheme
  • Free Power / Electricity Connection for BPL Families
  • Samajwadi Smartphone Yojana
  • Mukhyamantri & Samajwadi Swastha Bima Yojana Health Card
  • Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana
  • Samajwadi Pension Yojana List / Status / Apply Online
  • Putriyon Ki Shadi Hetu Anudan Yojana – Scheme for Marriage of Girls
  • Samajwadi Namak Yojana – Subsidized Salt Scheme
  • Bima Care Card Under Samajwadi Kisan & Sarvhit Bima Yojana
  • Samajwadi Smartphone Yojana
  • Samajwadi Kisan Bima Yojana
  • Samajwadi Yuva Swarojgar Yojana Loan Scheme
  • Kanya Vidya Dhan Yojana (Scholarships for Meritorious Girl Students)
  • Samajwadi Hathkargha Bunkar Pension Yojana for Weavers
  • Samajwadi Rozgar Yojana – An Employment Generation Scheme
  • Samajwadi Awas Yojana
  • 1 Crore Prepaid Electricity Meters by UPPCL in Uttar Pradesh under Saubhagya Scheme
  • Solar Energy Policy
  • Solar Rooftop Calculator
  • Solar Rooftop Programme
  • Renewal Energy Solar Installation Monitoring Software
  • Programmes Under Grid Connection / State Solar Power Policy
  • Solar City Program
  • Solar Area Demonstration program
  • Minigrid Scheme
  • Remote Village Electrification Programme
  • Lohia Rural Housing Program at the Solar Power Pack
  • Solar Street Light Scheme
  • Solar LED High Mast Lighting System
  • Solar High Mast and Solar Street Lighting systems
  • Solar Thermal
  • National Biogas Fertilizer Management Scheme
  • Biogas Based Power Generation Program
  • Combustion Based Biomass Power Scheme
  • Biomass Based Gasifier Power Scheme
  • Biomass Based Co-Generation Power Scheme
  • Industrial Waste Based Power Scheme
  • Small Hydro Power (SHP) Programme
  • Wind Energy Program
  • Survey and Wind Resource Assessment of Programme
  • Demand Side Management (DSM) Scheme
  • Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) Scheme
  • Star Labeled Appliances (S&L) Scheme
  • Village Electrification Scheme
  • Solar Energy Scheme
  • Externally Aided Scheme
  • Mini Grid Scheme
  • Solar Street Lighting Scheme
  • Solar Pump Scheme
  • Solar Power Pack Scheme
  • National Biogas and Manure Management Scheme - General Category
  • National Biogas and Manure Management Scheme - SCP
  • Grants on Certified Seeds Schemes
  • Scheme for Promoting The Use of Hybrid Seeds Scheme
  • Pest Control / Disease Control Through Different Situation Resources Schemes
  • Use of Information Technology for The Development of Agriculture Schemes
  • Trained Agricultural Entrepreneurs Self Help Plan Schemes
  • Computerization of Agricultural Statistics and Management System Scheme
  • Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Phase II Schemes
  • Plan of the conspirator on establishment of Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation Pump Scheme
  • National Mission on Oil Seeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) / Farmer Credit Card Scheme
  • National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology Scheme
  • Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme / Rehabilitated Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
  • National Agricultural Development Scheme
  • National Food Security Mission Scheme
  • Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation Pump Scheme
  • Soil Health Strengthening Scheme
  • Pest / Diseases Control Scheme
  • Seed Treatment/ Soil Treatment Scheme
  • Quality Control Scheme
  • Krashi Bhumi Sanrakshan Scheme
  • Krashi Tilhan Scheme
  • Soil Health Scheme
  • Farm Protection Scheme
  • National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
  • Agricultural Prasar Scheme
  • Poultry Development Cell Scheme
  • National Animal Disease Reporting Schemes
  • Kamdhenu Schemes
  • Animal Husbandry Scheme
  • Infrastructure Planning and Implementation for Smart Cities Scheme
  • Department of Appointment & Personnel Training Scheme
  • Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness Scheme
  • E-Procurement Scheme
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Scheme
  • Creating and Managing Digital Presence Scheme
  • Ethics and Values in Administration Scheme
  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools Scheme
  • Housing for All: Attaining the National Agenda Scheme
  • Towards Zero Waste - Decentralised Solid Waste Management Scheme
  • Assessment and Monitoring of Business Performance Scheme
  • Water and Water Loss Control Management Scheme
  • Procurement Procedures for World Bank Aided Scheme
  • National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Scheme
  • National AIDS Control Scheme
  • Birth And Death Control Scheme
  • School Health Scheme
  • Backward Welfare Scheme
  • GST Migration Scheme
  • Office commissioner and registrar cooperative Banking Scheme
  • Agricultural investment Scheme
  • Cooperative Consumer Scheme
  • Cooperative Buy and Sell / Marketing Scheme
  • Cooperative Rural Godown Scheme
  • Old and Venerable Artists Monthly Pension Scheme
  • Rural Infrastructure Facility for Dairy Development Scheme
  • Strengthening, Reorganization and Extension of Dairy Unions Scheme
  • Increase in milk production, milk producers investment scheme
  • Farming training Scheme
  • National milk development Scheme
  • National agricultural development scheme
  • Deen Dayal Rehabilitation Scheme
  • District Disability Rehabilitation Scheme
  • Unique Identity Card For Divyangjan Scheme (UDID Card)
  • Implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Scheme
  • Accessible India Scheme (Sugamya Bharat)
  • Swavalamban Health Insurance Scheme
  • Assistance To Disabled Persons For Purchase/Fitting Of AIDS/Appliances Scheme
  • Nourishment Grant (Pension)for PWDs / Grant Scheme (Disability Pension) for sustenance of shelter less persons with disabilities Scheme
  • Disability (Due to) Leprosy Nutrition Grant Scheme
  • Artificial Limbs/Assistive Equipments Scheme
  • Incentive on marrying PWDs / Marriage Promotion Award Scheme
  • Shop Construction/Shop-operation Scheme
  • Corrective Surgery Treatment Grant For PWDs Scheme
  • Free Bus Transportation For Handicap People
  • State Level Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
  • Training of Teachers For Identifying Children Affected With Dyslexia
  • Aid to Voluntary Organizations For operation of Shelter-Houses Cum Training Centres Scheme
  • Aid to Voluntary Organizations/ Institutions Scheme
  • Operation of Braille Press Scheme
  • Special School Scheme
  • Sanket (Government Deaf and Dumb School) Scheme
  • Sparsh ( Government School for Visually Impaired girls/ boys) Scheme
  • Mamta (State School for Mentally Challenged boys/girls) Scheme
  • Prayas (State School for physically disabled children) Scheme
  • Establishment and operation of Bachpan Day Care Scheme
  • Fisherman housing scheme
  • Drought Relief Scheme
  • Water Flotation Scheme
  • Mobile Fish Parlor Scheme
  • Shrimp Farming Scheme
  • Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries
  • National Fisheries Development
  • Wheat Purchase Scheme
  • Social Forestry Scheme
  • Green Belt Development Scheme
  • Building Construction Scheme
  • Vir Abdul Hameed Forest, Wild Life And Environment Protection Award Scheme
  • Forest Research And Expansion Scheme
  • Organizing Forest Festivals Scheme
  • Nursery Management Scheme
  • Strengthening of Forest Rest Homes and Internal Routes in Dudhwa National Park
  • Eco-tourism development in Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary, Kannauj and Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary Scheme
  • Development Of Eco-Tourism Scheme
  • Development of Babbar Sher Fertility Center and Lion Safari Park Scheme
  • Kukrail Forest Division Biodiversity Center Scheme
  • Renovation and Upgrading Scheme
  • Forest Settlement Scheme
  • Management of Wildlife Scheme
  • Project Tiger (Centrally Sponsored) Scheme
  • Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats (Centrally Sponsored) Scheme
  • Project Elephant (Centrally Sponsored) Scheme
  • National Plan For Conservation Of Aquatic Ecosystems (Centrally Sponsored) Scheme
  • Implementation of the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission (ACA) Scheme
  • National Afforestration Programme (through Forest Development Authority) Scheme
  • Intensification of Forest Management (Centrally sponsored)
  • Uttar Pradesh Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation
  • Total Forest Cover Scheme
  • Forest Cover Enrichment Scheme
  • Transfer of land from Irrigation Department to Forest and Wildlife Department in Sarnath Varanasi Scheme
  • Compensation for land of Similar Bird Sanctuary Scheme
  • Development of Ground Water Survey, Assessment And Strengthening Scheme
  • Mapping Of Groundwater Resources And Test Parameters On Deep Groundwater Sources Scheme
  • GIS Based Map Scheme
  • Rainwater Harvesting / Recharging Scheme
  • Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems On Government Buildings Scheme
  • Monitoring And Mapping Of Groundwater Resources For Quality Scheme
  • Ground Water Mass Awareness And Publicity
  • Establishment of Regional Ground Water Hub Scheme
  • Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Recharge Scheme
  • State Bhoojal Sanrakshan Scheme
  • Upgradation of Existing Monitoring System
  • Development of Comprehensive Groundwater Management Plan For The State Scheme
  • Development of Aquifer Management And Conjunctive Use Plan
  • Capacity Building/Institutional Development
  • National Hydrology Project Scheme
  • National Ground Water Management Improvement (NGMIS) Scheme
  • State Handloom Puruskar Scheme
  • Handloom Infrastructure Development Scheme
  • Training Plan For Work-Efficiency Enhancement Scheme
  • Development of Powerloom Area Scheme
  • UP Government Victim Compensation Scheme
  • UP Government "Sahayata Yojana" Scheme
  • UP Government "Sneh Yojana" Scheme
  • Assistance of Civilians and Victims of Terrorism, Communal & Maoist violence Scheme
  • UP Food Processing Industry Scheme
  • Programs Conducted Under Aaloo Vikas Neeti Scheme
  • Horticulture Scheme
  • Quality Control And Hygiene Related Awareness Training Scheme
  • Implementation of e-governance In Food Processing Department And Strengthening of Data Base Scheme
  • Employment Creation Through Dhaba/Fast Food/Restaurant Training Scheme
  • Expansion And Strengthening Of Government Fruit Preservation Centers Scheme
  • Food Processing Entrepreneurship Development Training Scheme
  • BeeKeeping Scheme
  • Integrated Horticulture Development Mission (MIDH) Scheme
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna
  • Pradhan mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojna / Per Drop More Crop Micro Irrigation Scheme
  • Horticulture Development Program (State Sector) for Scheduled Caste/Tribe Farmers Scheme
  • Betel Production State Scheme
  • National AYUSH Mission Scheme
  • Entrepreneurship Development Training Program/Entrepreneurship Development Program (SCP) Scheme
  • Employment Generation Through Dhaba/ Fast food/ Restaurant Training Scheme.
  • Quality Control And Hygiene Related Awareness Training Plan Scheme
  • National Food Processing Mission Scheme
  • Short Term Fruit Preservation Scheme
  • Amount Sanctioned Under Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme
  • Marriage Grant Scheme
  • Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Scheme
  • Golden Card Scheme
  • Khadi Development Scheme
  • Village Industries Scheme
  • CM Village Industries Employment Scheme
  • PM's Employment Generation Program
  • P. Deendayal Graamodyog Rojagaar Scheme
  • Bhumi Sena Yojna
  • Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Scheme
  • Naional Program for Prevention And Management of Burn Injury Scheme
  • TRAUMA Scheme
  • Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Scheme
  • Kaushal Vikas Kendra Scheme
  • Tertiary Cancer Centres Scheme
  • Free of Cost Boring Scheme (shallow Tube well)
  • Medium Deep Tube Wells Scheme
  • Deep Tube Well Scheme
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Community Tube Well Scheme
  • In-Well-Ring Boring in Plateaus areas/Table land Scheme
  • Surface Pump Set Scheme
  • Construction of Check Dams for Rain Water use & Ground Water Recharging
  • Blast Well Scheme
  • Prime Minister Agriculture Irrigation Scheme
  • Pre-matric Minority Community Scheme
  • Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme & Fees Reimbursement Scheme for Minority Community
  • Daughter Marriage Scheme
  • Department of Minority Welfare And WAQF Scheme
  • Inter-Caste Marriage Incentive Scheme
  • Adhoc Grants Scheme for Non-Government Voluntary Organizations / Individuals working for National Integration
  • Guru Gobind Singh National Integration Award Scheme
  • Swacch Bharat Mission Scheme
  • Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyaan Scheme
  • Mukhyamantri Panchayat Protsahan Puruskaar Scheme
  • Panchayati Raj Training Institute Scheme
  • Panchayat Empowerment Award Scheme
  • Gram Panchayat Vikas Scheme
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Panchayat Empowerment Scheme
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Samagra Gram vikas Scheme
  • Backward Area Grant Fund Scheme
  • Civil Rights Department of Public Enterprises Scheme
  • Connecting All District Headquarters Of The State With 4-lane Route Scheme
  • Widening And Strengthening Of Roads Under State Plan Scheme
  • Bridge construction Scheme
  • NABARD Assisted Project Scheme
  • World Bank Assisted Project Scheme
  • Asian Development Bank Assisted Project Scheme
  • Disaster Management For Locust Attack Scheme
  • Disaster Management For Nuclear Attack Scheme
  • Disaster Management Plan on radiation Scheme
  • Plan For Gas Leakages Explosions Scheme
  • Disaster Management Plan For Communal Riots Scheme
  • State Disaster Management Plan Civildisobedience & Massagiation
  • Working Action Plan For Epidemics
  • Biological Disaster Scheme
  • Chemical Attack Scheme
  • Disaster For Dam Burst Scheme
  • Serial Bombing And Explosions Scheme
  • State Disaster Management Plan for Hurricanes / Storms (Thunderstorm & Squall) Scheme
  • State Disaster Management Plan On Food Scheme
  • State Disaster Management Plan On Draught Scheme
  • Rani LaxmiBai Pension Scheme
  • Scholarship Scheme
  • Old Age Farmer Pension Scheme
  • Rashtriya Parivaarik Laabh Scheme
  • Atyachaar Nivaran Adhiniyam ke Antargat Arthik Sahayata Scheme
  • Grant-in-aid For the Marriage of Daughters of Scheduled Castes and Common Poor Families And Treatment of Their Families Scheme
  • Scheduled Caste Hostel Construction Scheme
  • Ex-Coaching Center Scheme for State High Level Services
  • Merit Eligibility Scheme
  • Sehtooti Resham Vikas Karya Scheme
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Samagra Vikas Yojana
  • Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
  • Export Promotional Schemes
  • Entrepreneur Schemes
  • Udhyami Nivesh Parak MSME Yojana
  • Bandhak Patra Samadhan Yojana
  • Urban Infrastructure Development For Small And Medium Towns Scheme
  • Satellite Town Yojana
  • Nadi Pradushan Niyantran Yojana
  • Jheel Sanrakshan Yojana
  • Rashtriya Ganga Nadi Basin Pradhikaran Yojana
  • Varanasi ki Avsanrachna Ki Sudhar Yojana
  • Agra Jalsampurti & Palra Yojana
  • Adarsh Nagar Yojana
  • Naya Savera Nagar Vikas Yojana
  • Nagariya Severage Karyakram Yojana
  • Nagariya Payjal Karyakram Yojana
  • Nagariya Sadak Sudhar Yojana
  • Nagariya Thos Apsisth Prabandhan Yojana
  • Swacch Bharat Mission Yojana
  • Smart City Mission Karyakram Yojana
  • Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation Yojana
  • Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Nagariya Saur Punj Yojana
  • Kanha Pashu Ashraya Yojana
  • Rashtriya Mission Mode Pariyojana
  • Affordable Housing In Partnership Scheme
  • Akikarat Aawas And Slum Vikas Yojana
  • Rashtriya Sehri Ajivika Mission Scheme
  • Rashtriya Shahari Ajivika Mission / Swa Rojgar Scheme
  • Husband's Destitute Woman Pension Scheme
  • Couple Award For Remarriage After Death Of Husband
  • Scheme For Marriage to The Daughter Of a Destitute Woman After Her Husband's Death
  • Financial Aid Scheme For Women Suffering From Dowry Scheme
  • Legal Aid For Women Suffering From Dowry Scheme
  • Swadhaar Yojana
  • Step Yojana
  • Ujjawala Yojana
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana
  • Establishment of Rani Lakshmibai Women and Child Resource Fund
  • Child Welfare (Laws and Legislation)
  • Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
  • Khelo India Scheme
  • Enhancement Of Physical, Intellectual & Moral Qualities
  • Association of Rural Youth In Main Stream
  • To Motivate Rural Youth For Public Service
  • Harmonious All Development of Youth
  • Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyaan Yojana
  • Panchayat Yuva Kreeda And Khel Abhiyaan Yojana
  • Khoob Padho Aage Badho
  • Free Education till Graduation
  • Co-education facilities for girls at government inter colleges
  • Anti Romeo Squad
  • Implmentation of Pradhan Mantri Matri Vandana Yojana
  • Rani Laxmi Bai Mahila Evam Baal Samman Kosh
  • Rani Laxmi Bai Veerta Puraskar
  • Mukhyamantri Samoohik Vivaah Yojana
  • 181 Women Helpline
  • Financial Assistance for Marriage of Girls
  • Mukhbir Yojana to Curb Female Foeticide
  • Constitution of PCPNDT Cell to curb female foeticide
  • No Age Limit under Widow Pension Scheme
  • Asha Jyoti Kendra
  • Shabri Mobile Application to tackle malnutrition
  • Establishment of 110 Women Fast Track Courts
  • Establishment of 135 Sanjeevani Centers
  • Registration of Marriage
  • Special Bachpan, Laadli and mamta Diwas (every month at block level)
  • Nirbhaya Fund-For Safe Bus Travel
  • Haj 2018-facility to women applicants to apply without meharam
  • Permission to work at night shifts for female workers at shops and factories
  • Financial and Technical Assistance to Widows of Pre-Kargil War Martyr's
  • Free Bus Service for women during rakshabandhan festival
  • Development of 200 bedded Mother and Child Referral Hospital under Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya Institute of Medical Sciences as "Center of Excellence"
  • Construction of Girls Hostel at government polytechnic colleges 
राज्य के जो इच्छुक लाभार्थी माननीय मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्य नाथ जी से संपर्क करना चाहते है तो वह जनसुनवाई पोर्टल पर जा सकते हैं। 

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