Yogi Yojana | Sarkari Yojana | PM Yojana Adda

Yogi Yojana List (All Sarkari Yojana at One Place)

प्रधानमंत्री मोदी एवं विभिन्न राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा शुरू की गयी सभी योजनाएं, केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की योजनाएँ 2024, सरकारी योजना हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में योगी योजना वेबसाइट पर

agriharyana.gov.in Farmer Corner, Login - Agri Haryana Subsidy Scheme 2024 Apply Online Form | Haryana Agriculture Subsidy 2024 Grievance Search

Dear readers, Haryana government started agriharyana.gov.in portal to enable farmers to apply for agriculture schemes. Farmers can apply online Agri Haryana subsidy by reaching out to agriharyana.gov.in farmer corner section. Farmers will have to fill agri haryana online form to make registration. Then farmers can make agri haryana.gov.in login. Read this article till the end to know how to apply online for haryana agriculture subsidy 2024. You will also get information on various agri haryana schemes.

agriharyana.gov.in Farmer Corner

Farmers corner section at agriharyana.gov.in portal is a dedicated section for farmers. This section enables farmers to check their details, apply for agriculture schemes which are basically Haryana govt. subsidy schemes, make farmer login and search grievances. Now we will start describing each of them separately.

Farmer Search at agriharyana.gov.in Portal

  • Then go to "Farmers Corner" section as displayed.
  • Farmers can search / find your details using "Registration number (MFMB)" or "Mobile Number" or "Parivar Pehchan Patra No." and clicking at "Search Record" option.
  • Then farmer record page will open. 

Agri Haryana Subsidy Scheme 2024 Online Form

  • Then go to "Farmers Corner" section as displayed.
  • Next you can click "View - Apply for Scheme" tab in front of the scheme you are applying for.
  • For eg- you can apply for "Natural Farming - Promotion of Sustainable agriculture strategies intiative & Kisan kalyan" scheme by clicking at "View" tab under "Apply for Scheme" section.
  • Then page for that particular Haryana agriculture subsidy scheme will open.
  • Check scheme details and click at "click here for Registration" tab.
  • You can apply for agri haryana scheme through Meri Fasal Mera Byora registration number, mobile no., PPP ID, then searching record and fill application form. 

agri haryana.gov.in Login for Farmers

  • Then go to "Farmers Corner" section as displayed.
  • Enter Meri Fasal Mera Byora ID or registered mobile number and click "ओटीपी भेजें" button.

Haryana Agriculture Subsidy 2024 Grievance Search / Registration

  • Then go to "Farmers Corner" section as displayed.
  • Enter MFMB registration no. or mobile number or Parivar Pehchan Patra and click "Search Record" button to track grievance status at agriharyana.gov.in portal.
Check PMFBY Grievance Status - https://agriharyana.gov.in/GrievanceStatus_Path

Agri Haryana Schemes List 2024

  • Reclamation of Saline soils and Waterlogged Land in the State (सेम एवं कल्लर भूमि सुधार योजना)
  • Natural Farming - Promotion of Sustainable agriculture strategies intiative & Kisan kalyan (प्राकृतिक खेती - सतत कृषि रणनीतियों को बढ़ावा देना पहल और किसान कल्याण)
  • Demonstration on Intercropping with sugarcane under NFSM-CC-Sugarcane
  • Technology Mission on Sugarcane (TMS) Scheme
  • Dhaincha seed Distribution under CDP
  • Haryana Pragtisheel Kisan Yojna (हरियाणा प्रगतिशील किसान सम्मान योजना)
  • Promotion of Agricultural mechanisation for in-sity management of crop residue in states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi.
  • Promotion of Cotton Cultivation in Haryana State
  • Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension reforms
  • National Food Security Mission
  • Har Khet Swasth Khet
  • Crop Diversification Programme - Mera Pani Meri Virasat
  • Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (A.I.F)
  • Application for Agriculture Machinery and Equipment under Crop Residue Management (CRM)(फसल अवशेष प्रबंधन (सी आर एम) के तहत कृषि मशीनरी और उपकरण के लिए आवेदन)
  • Tractor Subsidy Scheme SB-89
  • Promotion of Summer Moong under CDP (Print purpose Only)
  • Applications for providing Subsidy to the Farmers - DSR Machine
  • Direct Case Transfer in Fertilizer subsidy-reg
  • Crop Diversification Programme(CDP) in Original Green Revolution States (RKVY) for Power Sprayer
  • Apply for Underground Pipeline System
Grievance Registration under PMFBY - https://agriharyana.gov.in/GrievanceSearch
Check Agri Haryana Payment Status - https://agriharyana.gov.in/PaymentStatus

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